Saturday, 23 April 2011

Lesson plan 9

Lesson plan 9

( smp n 1 2 x 11 enam lingkung )

  1. identity

level : smp

class : VII

semester : II

subject : english

time :

years : 2009/ 2010

  1. standard competence

8. listening

Memahami makna dalam lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sangat sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive and procedure untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan terdekat.

  1. Basic competence

8.1 merespon makna yang terdapat dalam text lisan fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima untuk berinteraksi denagn lingkungan terdekat.

  1. Indicators

1. responding of information about asking giving instruction, shopping list, greeting card and announcement

2. detyermine communicative text based on topic

3. determine generic structure based on topic

  1. learning purposes

students are able to

1. responding of information about asking giving instruction, shopping list, greeting card and announcement

2. find the abstract information about material

  1. learning material

instruction : put your bag on the table

greeting card : birthday card

shopping list : price list


  1. glossary

attention congratulation

stand up announcement

clean it

  1. procedure

1) pre teaching

greet students

check students attention

brain stroming through showing pictures that related with toipic

2) whilst teaching

discuss about topic

discuss about grammatical and vocabulary that rlated with topic

teacher give some question about material

ask students opinion randomly

listen the fungsional text given by teacher about material

asnwer some question based on the fungsional text

tell some example that related with material

3) post teaching

ask students understanding about material

conclude the lesson

give test to students based on situation

  1. resources :

1. competents student

2. text script

3. picture that related with material

4. website / internet

  1. technique : three phase technique
  2. scoring :

1. technique : respond the expression, answer the question.

2. form : listening test

3. instruments :

1) tika wants to go to market, this is her shopping list :

shopping list

2 pens chocolate

Ruler book

Candies powder

Answer the foolowing question based on the text !

a. what is the text about ?

b. how many pens are there in the list ?

c. does tika need erazer ?

2) dear suci

happy new year, get your succes always and do the best

your truly


answer the question based on creting card above

a. when should we send this card ?

b. who send this card ?

Mengetahui Sicincin, maret 2010

Pamong Mahasiswa Pl


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